This project was very special as it was my very first project made with p5js, the coding website which turns script into images. By using its draw function in combination with its random number generator, I was able to put 3 shapes or random sizes in random positions, with random colors. The background would also have its own unique random color, and so would the outlines on the shapes. After lots of time, I was able to perfect this sketch to put on an amazing array of colors accompanied by changing visuals to keep the viewers at the edge of their seat, memorized by what they have seen, are seeing and what they will see next.
This project is proof that hard work can get you where you want. After hours of coming up with an abstract animation with only simple shapes and random numbers, I did my best executing my idea with p5js. After lots of trial, error and time spent weaving through the limitations of javascript and the hoops of logic, I was able to encapsulate my vision almost perfectly. In order to make the position of the circles non-randomized, I created a variable that would increase its position for each frame of the animation, and once it reached the next circle's position it would loop. Then I added random colors, random sizes and slight variations of the background.
This is the very first p5js project where we were able to incorporate images into the sketch. Using Photopea (an unofficial, online, free, web-browser version of Photoshop) we were tasked with photoshopping flowers to use with this animation, which we uploaded to p5js. With those images, I was able to build an interactive animation, which follows your mouse and has a special animation that plays only when you click on the sketch, which we were able to accomplish with simple scripts and variables that keep track of the position and state of your mouse.
This final project was a lot of fun to figure out how to program. This is where I learned how to loop specific functions of code in order to make infinite fractals of shapes and images. I decided to make this sketch in theme with the DMA Summer Institute's theme of dreams. This dreamlike feeling of floating through the stages of hypnagogia, guided to nowhere by the strange sounds and sights conjured by the subconscious brain. These illusions fascinate me, and I wanted to make my own. "Ripples" is how I captured that unknown feeling of floatieness and distance. It allows everyone to travel through their brain into the unknown.